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Last UPDATED 3-12-2020


Comments on Mary-McChrist’s Books

Most Helpful Customer Reviews

 Magdalene’Black Rose: the Love Story of        Jesus and His Beloved


By Rocio Danielson on April 12, 2015

Irving, Texas
Format: Paperback

“Monumental Work, truly extraordinary work of Divine Eternal LOVE.
Very empowering in so many levels.
If you are in love with "The Beloved"
This book will take you to a deeper sacred union with Self.”

Powerful and Transformative

By Robert J Simonson on August 2, 2015

Mount Shasta, CA.
Format: Paperback

“This is the amazing story of Mary Magdalene’s life as the twin flame of Lord Jesus, the Cosmic Christ, as told by her and through her eyes and personal life experiences.
“I personally recommend reading this book to yourself, out loud, and softly so as to deeply feel the vibration of it’s transmission and message.
I received powerful healings and transformative activations on multiple levels of my being while reading this book and you will too if you read it with an open mind and an open heart. I highly recommend this book to anyone on a path of spiritual awakening, remembering and healing.”

I love love stories and drama

By Rosa Zupancic on December 9, 2014

Redding, CA.
Format: Paperback

“I grew up Catholic, and was in a square box. If you have read the Da Vinci Code or seen the movie, you know what I mean. I love love stories and drama, it could have been so.”


Mother Mary-Ma is much better, but prayers are still appreciated. As one of the Divine Mothers she transmutes for our world.. Donations are welcome for all of the extra expensives. Thank you Beloved Ones. 

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