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Rosary Prayers

Last UPDATED  12-16-2020




God Bless the Children


O Michael bring your sword,
O swirl it here within,
O Michael bring your sword,
We know the Light will win.

God Bless the children,
Give them love today,
God bless the children,
 Angels guard their day.

God Bless the children,
Keep them safe today.
God bless the children,
In work, in fun and play.

God bless the children,
Let there be no fear,
God bless the children,
Father God is always here.

Mary McChrist


Also go to Prayers/Children for

other important prayers.2021

Children & Babies

Go to Prayers for other special things for children:

Go to Biogs 2018 on Children

“”The Rosary of the Innocent Child”

“Baby Lambs of Christ”


The Collective Heart of the Child

O Mother of compassion,

O Mother of Love,

Enfold us now. O bring your Dove,

As holy Spirit -  you fly and sing,

You wear Christ's Robe,

His Grace you bring.


 We are his little ones, the children of God,

Hold world peace above the sod.

We sit like angels upon your lap,

And know in God there is no lack.

Our grateful hearts now join and sing.

With His Angel Chorus the bells do ring.


O Earth 28* of Peace and Power,

The Fifth Solar Age now starts to flower.

And Guadalupe bends close to the Earth.

Our hearts open wide as we rebirth.

Little heart replicas shower down upon the Earth.

O Mother Gaia we dance with mirth.

Amen, So be it


The Collective Child

Mary McChrist

*Earth 27 was in 2016



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Mother Mary-Ma is much better, but prayers are still appreciated. As one of the Divine Mothers she transmutes for our world.. Donations are welcome for all of the extra expenses. Thank you Beloved Ones. 

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